CBD oil is being increasingly used to treat various medical conditions. It is a natural alternative to other medicines. Many people have reported relief from chronic pain and inflammation, and even from sleep disorders. However, more research is needed to confirm its therapeutic effectiveness.
What strength of CBD oil is best for joint pain?
The FTC Act requires that brands be able to provide adequate scientific evidence to show that their products will help. The FTC also requires that claims are not misleading. This means that companies must have well-controlled human clinical studies. You can check on a company’s testing records by using the NSF International search tool.
For some users, irritation has been reported. If the product is irritating to you, you should consult with your physician before consuming it. Also, make sure you’re using the recommended dosage. Dosing is a bit confusing. There are many different options, and the exact amount varies from person to person. But, in general, you can take between ten and fifteen milligrams of cbd brand per day.
Before you purchase CBD, you should read all the labels. You should know what ingredients the product contains and how it is manufactured. Look for a quality assurance stamp.
Lastly, be aware that some companies make exaggerated claims on their marketing materials. For instance, some companies claim that their CBD is a cure for a host of diseases. These claims are not allowed under the FTC Act.
Fortunately, the FDA has written to several companies to warn them against making such claims. The FDA has stated that it will review and investigate the companies if their marketing materials are found to contain such statements.