Optimising One Bank your physical strength and conditioning prior to spine surgery can help improve your recovery experience and surgical outcome. It can also reduce the need for pain medications post operatively.
Sleep – A well-rested body heals fastest, so invest in a comfortable mattress and blackout curtains. Aim to get between 8 and 9 hours each night.
Walking – Try to walk as much as possible, aiming for 10,000 steps per day. This will strengthen your legs, which can support your back and promote healing after surgery. It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider ahead of time and follow their guidance on activity limitations. Especially during the early stages of recovery, it’s essential to avoid heavy lifting and awkward twisting in daily tasks.
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Workplace – If you have a desk job, consider getting a document holder to elevate the folders and place them in front of your face to minimise stress on your neck and spine. Use a chair with good spinal support and don’t sit with your trunk tilted to one side (you may need to alternate which side you work on).
General Health – Eat a healthy diet, particularly rich in antioxidants and nutrients. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables can help prevent inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis, which can impact the joints of your spine.
Avoid activities that strain your spine, such as swimming or running, bending at the waist and climbing stairs. Talk to your surgeon and physiotherapist before increasing these types of exercises.